MA amendments.
517.13. Delete the Exception.
517.13 Equipment Grounding Conductor for Receptacles and Fixed Electrical Equipment in Patient Care Spaces. Wiring serving patient care spaces shall comply with the requirements of 517.13(A) and (B).
Exception: Luminaires more than 2.3 m (7 ½ ft) above the floor and switches located outside of the patient care vicinity shall be permitted to be connected to an equipment grounding return path complying with the requirements of 517.13(A) or (B).
517.26 Delete (2), which would otherwise read: “Section 700.10(D) shall not apply.”
517.26 Application of Other Articles. The life safety branch of the essential electrical system shall meet the requirements of Article 700, except as amended as follows:
(1) Section 700.4 shall not apply.
(2) Section 700.10(D) shall not apply.
(3) Section 700.17 shall be replaced with the following: Branch circuits that supply emergency lighting shall be installed to provide service from a source in accordance with 700.12 when normal supply for lighting is interrupted or where single circuits supply luminaires containing secondary batteries.
(4) Section 700.32 shall not apply.
Click here to see the Massachusetts amendments to the 2023 NEC®.
Which of the following is true in Massachusetts for wiring serving patient care spaces in health care facilities?
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