400.4 Flexible Cords and Cables. Types.

A “special investigation” is no longer required for using flexible cords not covered in NEC Table 400.4.
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A “special investigation” is no longer required for using flexible cords not covered in NEC Table 400.4.

Code Change Summary: Clarifications were made on flexible cords and cables not mentioned in NEC® Table 400.4.

NEC Table 400.4 identifies all of the flexible cords and flexible cable types permitted for use by the NEC®. Once in a while an equipment manufacturer might use something unusual or different for a specific piece of electrical equipment which in turn causes a bit of grief between the installer and the inspector.

In the 2011 NEC®, Section 400.4 stated that flexible cords and flexible cables other than those listed in the table were required to be subject to “special investigation”. Well, the NEC® defines “Special Permission” in Article 100, and Chapter 5 covers “special occupancies”, but nowhere in the NEC® are any rules on “special investigation”.

In the 2014 NEC®, the use of flexible cords and flexible cables other than those in Table 400.4 shall require “permission by the authority having jurisdiction”. This revised language makes it clear that the inspector makes the final decision on accepting any flexible cords or cables not shown in Table 400.4.

Below is a preview of the NEC®.  See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on the “free access” tab and select the applicable year of NFPA 70 (National Electrical code).

2011 Code language:

400.4 Types. Flexible cords and flexible cables shall conform to the description in Table 400.4. Types of flexible cords and flexible cables other than those listed in the table shall be the subject of special investigation.

2014 Code Language:

400.4 Types. Flexible cords and flexible cables shall conform to the description in Table 400.4. The use of flexible cords and flexible cables other than those in Table 400.4 shall require permission by the authority having jurisdiction.

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400.4 Flexible Cords and Cables. Types.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Which of the following is required for the installation of a flexible cord type not mentioned in NEC Table 400.4?

A: Special investigation.
B: "Special Permission".
C: Permission by the authority having jurisdiction.
D: Specialized attention.
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