80.18 Maintenance of existing wiring and equipment.

Rule 815. Section 80.18 of the code is added to read as follows:

80.18. Maintenance of existing wiring and equipment. Every building, structure, or part thereof shall be kept in good electrical repair by the owner.

Refer to the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs 2023 Michigan electrical code rules part 8 to answer the question below.

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80.18 Maintenance of existing wiring and equipment.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

In Michigan, which of the following is true regarding existing electrical wiring and equipment?

A: Every building, structure, or part thereof shall be kept in good electrical repair by the owner.
B: Every building, structure, or part thereof shall be kept in good electrical repair by the electrical contractor.
C: Every building, structure, or part thereof shall be kept in good electrical repair by the inspector.
D: Every building, structure, or part thereof shall be kept in good electrical repair by the electrical board.
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