Rule 810. Section 80.13 is added to the code to read as follows:
80.13. Authority. Where used in this article, the term authority having jurisdiction shall include the electrical inspector or other individuals designated by the governing body. This code shall be administered and enforced by the authority having jurisdiction designated by the governing authority as follows:
(1) Disconnection. When the use of electrical equipment or its installations is found to be dangerous to human life or property, the authority having jurisdiction may have the premises disconnected from its source of electric supply. When this equipment or installation has been condemned or disconnected, a notice shall be placed on the equipment or installation listing the causes for the condemnation, or the disconnection, or both, and the penalty for the unlawful use of the equipment or installation. Written notice of this condemnation or disconnection and the causes of it shall be given within 24 hours to the owners, or the occupant, or both, of the building, structure, or premises. It is unlawful for an individual to remove this notice, to reconnect the electrical equipment to its source of electric supply, or to use or permit to be used electric power in any electrical equipment until the causes for the condemnation or disconnection have been remedied to the satisfaction of the inspection authorities.
(2) Delegate Authority. The authority having jurisdiction may delegate to other qualified individuals the powers as necessary for the proper administration and enforcement of this code.
Refer to the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs 2023 Michigan electrical code rules part 8 to answer the question below.
Which of the following is true regarding authority in Michigan?
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