555.36 Disconnecting Means for Shore Power Connection(s).

The emergency shutoff device or electrical disconnect shall be within sight of the marina power outlet or other enclosure that provides shore power to boats, readily accessible, externally operable, manually resettable, and listed for use in wet locations.
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The emergency shutoff device or electrical disconnect shall be within sight of the marina power outlet or other enclosure that provides shore power to boats, readily accessible, externally operable, manually resettable, and listed for use in wet locations.

Code Change Summary: New code section requiring an emergency electrical disconnect for power outlets or enclosures providing shore power to boats.

In the 2023 NEC®, new Section 555.36(C) requires an emergency electrical disconnect for marina power outlets or enclosures that provide shore power to boats. According to the new code section, when shore power is supplied for boats, a listed emergency shutoff device or electrical disconnect that is clearly marked “Emergency Shutoff” in accordance with 110.22(A) shall be provided.

Note that “Shore Power” is defined in Article 100 as the electrical equipment required to power a floating vessel including, but not limited to, the receptacle and cords. This definition is general in nature and includes most any power connection to a boat and does not limit the new requirements in Section 555.36(C) only to boats anchored against the shoreline.

The emergency shutoff device or electrical disconnect shall be within sight of the marina power outlet or other enclosure that provides shore power to boats, readily accessible, externally operable, manually resettable, and listed for use in wet locations.

The emergency shutoff device or electrical disconnect must de-energize the power supply to all circuits supplied by the marina power outlets or enclosures that supply shore power to boats. Circuit breaker handles shall not be used for this purpose.

A careful reading of new Section 555.36(C) makes it clear that the intent is to have an emergency shutoff (that is NOT a circuit breaker) for every marina power outlet or other enclosure that provides shore power to boats. If only one marina power outlet enclosure is present and supplied by one circuit, then only one emergency shutoff is required in the circuit ahead of the marina power outlet enclosure.

The intent of the public input behind the new code language was to have an emergency shutoff located at each boat slip to aid in saving the lives of electrical shock drowning victims and rescuers.

For a swimmer being subjected to electrical current in the water and struggling to stay afloat, there is little time to act before the swimmer goes underwater and drowns.

Bystanders watching things unfold might not even recognize what is occurring or have a clue that the victim is having an electrical shock experience. The first instinct for loved ones or others watching is to jump in and assist. Even if a bystander recognizes that the victim is experiencing an electrical shock incident, the likelihood of letting the struggling swimmer out of their sight while they go search for a means of electrical disconnect is slim.

Valuable time can be lost if searching for a properly labeled circuit breaker or disconnect at the main electric service or feeder panel near the dock entrance. A fast way to disconnect power to the boat near the struggling swimmer is most critical and those unfamiliar with twist lock plug configurations might struggle to simply pull the cord loose to disconnect power.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2020 Code Language:

This code section did not exist.

2023 Code Language:

N 555.36(C) Emergency Electrical Disconnect. Each marina power outlet or enclosure that provides shore power to boats shall be provided with a listed emergency shutoff device or electrical disconnect that is clearly marked “Emergency Shutoff” in accordance with 110.22(A). The emergency shutoff device or electrical disconnect shall be within sight of the marina power outlet or other enclosure that provides shore power to boats, readily accessible, externally operable, manually resettable, and listed for use in wet locations. The emergency shutoff device or electrical disconnect shall de-energize the power supply to all circuits supplied by the marina power outlet(s) or enclosure(s) that provide shore power to boats. A circuit breaker handle shall not be used for this purpose.

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555.36 Disconnecting Means for Shore Power Connection(s).

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Which of the following is true of the emergency electrical disconnect required in 555.36(C)?

A: It must be marked “Emergency Switch”.
B: It must be clearly marked “Emergency Shutoff”.
C: It must be marked “Power Cutoff”.
D: It must be marked “ESD Switch”.
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