555.4 Location of Service Equipment.

The service equipment supplying a floating building, dock, or marina must be located on land no closer than 5 feet horizontally from, and adjacent to the structure served.
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The service equipment supplying a floating building, dock, or marina must be located on land no closer than 5 feet horizontally from, and adjacent to the structure served.

Code Change Summary: Changes were made regarding service equipment distances for floating buildings, docks, or marinas.

In the 2023 NEC®, the language in 555.4 was expanded to provide enforceable distances required for service equipment that supplies floating buildings, docks, or marinas. The previous language simply required the service equipment to be on land and adjacent to the structure served, but not on or in the structure itself or any other floating structure.

The revised 2023 NEC® code language in 555.4 requires service equipment supplying a floating building, dock, or marina to be located on land no closer than 5 feet horizontally from, and adjacent to the structure served, but not on or in the structure itself or any other floating structure. Additionally, the service equipment must be elevated at least 12 inches above the electrical datum plane.

The electrical datum plane (defined in Article 100) is a specified vertical distance above the normal high-water level at a point where electrical equipment can be installed and electrical connections can be made.

The code changes intend to promote electrical safety and enforceability and align with existing similar requirements in Article 682 which covers electrical wiring and equipment adjacent to natural and artificially made bodies of water.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2020 Code Language:

555.4 Location of Service Equipment. The service equipment for a floating building, dock, or marina shall be located on land adjacent to the structure served, but not on or in the structure itself or any other floating structure.

2023 Code Language:

555.4 Location of Service Equipment. The service equipment for a floating building, dock, or marina shall be located on land no closer than 5 feet horizontally from and adjacent to the structure served, but not on or in the structure itself or any other floating structure. Service equipment shall be elevated a minimum of 12 inches above the electrical datum plane.

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555.4 Location of Service Equipment.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Based on the 2023 NEC language in 555.4, which of the following is true?

A: Service equipment supplying a floating dock shall be on the floating dock.
B: Service equipment supplying a floating marina shall be on the floating marina.
C: Service equipment supplying a floating building shall be on the floating building.
D: The service equipment supplying a floating building must be located on land no closer than 5 feet horizontally from, and adjacent to the structure served.
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