517.10(B) Areas Not Covered by Part II of Article 517.

The requirements in Part II of Article 517 are NOT applicable to a pharmacy that is not “contiguous” to a health care facility.
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The requirements in Part II of Article 517 are NOT applicable to a pharmacy that is not “contiguous” to a health care facility.

Code Change Summary: New location added that is NOT covered by Article 517 Part II.

Many hospitals are mixed use occupancies and have other accessory occupancies (occupancies that are ancillary to the main occupancy) such as cafeterias, gift shops, chapels, and pharmacies.

It can be confusing trying to determine when to apply code language from Part II of Article 517 to pharmacies that stand alone and are not adjoined to a healthcare facility, especially if they offer a “Minute Clinic” or similar. Section 517.10(B)(3)(a) would exclude pharmacies that provide immunizations, but not freestanding pharmacies that include a clinic.

In the 2023 NEC®, pharmacies not “contiguous” to health care facilities were added to the areas not included in the requirements in Part II of Article 517.

According to the new language in Section 517.10(B)(3)(e), the requirements in Part II of Article 517 are NOT applicable to a pharmacy that is not “contiguous” (adjacent, neighboring, adjoining, bordering, abutting, connected to, touching) to a health care facility. This also means that a pharmacy contiguous to a health care facility is required to meet the requirements in Part II of Article 517.

According to the NEC® code making panel 15 committee statement, “spaces that store and dispense pharmaceutical medicines and that are not contiguous to healthcare facilities do not examine, treat, or perform patient procedures and therefore do not require the wiring and protection methods of Article 517 Part II. Retail pharmacies are not defined as health care facilities”.

Health care facilities are defined in Article 100 as buildings, portions of buildings, or mobile enclosures in which human medical, dental, psychiatric, nursing, obstetrical, or surgical care is provided.

Part II of Article 517 contains Section 517.13 which requires redundant ground wiring methods for receptacles and fixed equipment in patient care spaces. This can be more costly than other acceptable wiring methods that can be selected from Chapter 3.

Based on the new code language in Section 517.10(B)(3)(e), an inspector requiring wiring methods compliant with Part II of Article 517 in a pharmacy not contiguous with a health care facility would not be able to back up the request with 2023 NEC® code language.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2020 Code Language:

517.10(B) Not Covered. Part II shall not apply to the following:

(3) Areas used exclusively for any of the following purposes:

  1. Intramuscular injections (immunizations)
  2. Psychiatry and psychotherapy
  3. Alternative medicine
  4. Optometry

2023 Code Language:

517.10(B) Not Covered. Part II shall not apply to the following:

(3) Areas used exclusively for any of the following purposes:

  1. Intramuscular injections (immunizations)
  2. Psychiatry and psychotherapy
  3. Alternative medicine
  4. Optometry
  5. Pharmacy services not contiguous to health care facilities

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517.10(B) Areas Not Covered by Part II of Article 517.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Based on the 2023 NEC, which of the following is true?

A: The requirements in Part II of Article 517 apply to all pharmacies.
B: The requirements in Part II of Article 517 are not applicable to a pharmacy that is not contiguous to a health care facility.
C: The requirements in Part II of Article 517 apply to freestanding pharmacies that are nowhere near a health care facility.
D: Pharmacies are the same as health care facilities.
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