404.16 Reconditioned Equipment.

New Section 404.16 only permits knife switches, switches with butt contacts, and bolted pressure contact switches to be reconditioned.
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New Section 404.16 only permits knife switches, switches with butt contacts, and bolted pressure contact switches to be reconditioned.

Code Change Summary: New code section addresses the reconditioning of switches.

In the 2023 NEC®, Section 404.16 was added to provide guidance on what types of switches are permitted to be reconditioned. This new section only permits knife switches, switches with butt contacts, and bolted pressure contact switches to be reconditioned. All other switch types covered in Article 404 are NOT permitted to be reconditioned.

Knife switches, switches with butt contacts, and bolted pressure contact switches are open type switches that can be reconditioned with replacement parts that are commonly available.

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) publication CS 100-2020 provides NEMA’s technical position on the reconditioning of electrical equipment. Appendix A in the publication provides lists of components or assemblies deemed suitable and not suitable for reconditioning in accordance with the 2020 NEC®. Appendix B.1 provides an additional list of items that NEMA feels are NOT suitable for reconditioning; wiring devices including switches and lighting controls are on this list.

Lighting switches, snap switches, dimmer switches, and electronic lighting control devices are constructed in large quantities with materials and components specified by the original equipment manufacturer in accordance with the applicable product safety standards. These devices are typically not designed to be reconditioned. If these devices fail, it is more cost effective to simply replace the device rather than to recondition it. In addition, attempting to recondition switching devices that were never intended for reconditioning can result in the devices not functioning properly or even becoming a safety hazard.

Below is a preview of the NEC®. See the actual NEC® text at NFPA.ORG for the complete code section. Once there, click on their link to free access to the 2023 NEC® edition of NFPA 70.

2020 Code Language:

This code section did not exist.

2023 Code Language:

N 404.16 Reconditioned Equipment.

(A) Lighting, Dimmer, and Electronic Control Switches. Reconditioned lighting, dimmer, and electronic control switches shall not be permitted.

(B) Snap Switches. Reconditioned snap switches of any type shall not be permitted.

(C) Knife Switches, Switches with Butt Contacts, and Bolted Pressure Contact Switches. Reconditioned knife switches, switches with butt contacts, and bolted pressure contact switches shall be permitted. If equipment has been damaged by fire, products of combustion, corrosive influences, or water, it shall be specifically evaluated by its manufacturer or a qualified testing laboratory prior to being returned to service.

(D) Molded-Case Switches. Reconditioned molded-case switches shall not be permitted.

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404.16 Reconditioned Equipment.

Below is a Real Question from our Electrical Continuing Education Courses for Electrical License Renewal:

Based on the 2023 NEC, which of the following is true?

A: Snap switches are permitted to be reconditioned.
B: Light switches are permitted to be reconditioned.
C: Only knife switches, switches with butt contacts, and bolted pressure contact switches are permitted to be reconditioned.
D: Molded case switches are permitted to be reconditioned.
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